Protection of crops against insects and pests

People have been protecting against and controlling pests and insects for as long as agriculture has existed. Indeed, it has always been necessary to keep crops more or less free of parasites. To maximise food production and plant growth, it is wise to protect crops against phytophagous pests.

Faced with the need to preserve natural resources, reducing or avoiding the use of pesticides to combat these pests constitutes an important goal. These living organisms gradually become tolerant to biological or chemical agents. The surviving populations evolve, thereby increasing their resistance to these means of defence.

The purpose of protecting crops with protective netting is to reduce crop losses and to protect crops, whatever the growing period, by respecting the natural life cycle of the plants. On the basis of environmental studies and feedback from its customers in the farming profession, MDB Texinov® has succeeded in developing a range of textile solutions that help to preserve the environment and biodiversity, and protect crops against insects, pests and herbivores.

Our range of anti-insect nets has evolved over the years to adapt to all types of production systems and all types of pest (carrot fly, cabbage maggot, leek moth, aphids, flea beetle, thrips, Bemisia, codling moth, Drosophila, etc.). It currently includes several flagship products:

  1. Filbio®: breathable anti-insect netting and the lightest on the market. Renowned, tried and tested for over 25 years;
  2. Biothrips®: anti-insect netting with a mesh specifically designed to protect against thrips;
  3. Filbio® PLA: compostable anti-insect netting made from bio-based material;
  4. Ultra-R®: a similar level of protection to that of Ultravent®, but more mechanically resistant and longer lasting;
  5. Stopinsect: a range of netting to protect against a variety of insects, including the vinegar fly Drosophilasuzukii


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