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Ultra-resistant anti-insect netting specifically designed to protect against whitefly

Ultra-R® anti-insect netting is the most resistant and long-lasting version of our Ultravent® netting. It offers the same protection against whitefly and aphids, yet its mechanical performance is twice as good. It is longer lasting, making it particularly suitable for installation on greenhouse openings and side vents. The netting combines the same characteristics: minimal shading, climate optimisation (ventilation, humidity, temperature) and optimal diffusion of light. Ultra-R® netting can also be adapted by our custom-manufacturing department (addition of reinforcements and zips, or cord and hook system for installation on greenhouse openings).



  1. Specific protection against whitefly and aphids
  2. Can be installed on greenhouse openings and side vents
  3. Optimised climate
  4. Resistant: long-lasting, even with repeated handling


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